Let's lighten the load by reducing POWER Consumption.

The easiest and most affordable way to meet your needs off-the-grid is to reduce your consumption. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to go “without” this simply means taking the time to design your home and your systems so that the efficiency is built-in. 

We are going to look at lightening your load for power. Let’s start with the things that are going to make the biggest impact (greatest reduction).

1. Heating & Cooling

The average household spends 50% (50%!!!) of its energy resources on heating and cooling. 

Think of all the homes and buildings in the world. On average, they are all consuming 50% of power just to maintain a steady comfortable temperature. We could dramatically reduce human impact on this planet by designing these buildings properly to no longer require carrying that load.

If you’re able to achieve comfort in your home using the techniques we describe our book (or others that you come across), you can instantly cut your energy consumption in half! 

2. Water Heating

Ok, now let’s talk about water heating. If we can do this passively (without using any electricity or fossil fuels) that’s the best way to go! 

As you already know, the best way to achieve this is with solar thermal - utilizing the radiant heat from the sun to heat our water! So let’s lighten the load there (keeping in mind that if you use propane as a backup you will still be using energy to heat your water - it just won’t be electrical energy from your solar PV system)… Switching to solar thermal for hot water will save you 19.2% on average! 

3. Phantom Loads

AKA "Vampire Energy". Devices like your TV or desktop computer still draw a small amount of power even when they’re “off” (kind of like it’s never really “off” just “sleeping”).

The same goes for your satellite, streaming devices, stereo and other components of your home’s entertainment system. These phantom loads can be eliminated by placing all of your devices on a power strip(s) and turning them off when you are finished using or charging the device and/or by simply turning off the master switch of your inverter at night (which will stop the flow of AC power to their outlets). Doing both of these things will ensure the most savings - a savings that can be accomplished on-the-grid or off! Everyone can save up to 10% of their total electricity use simply by unplugging their electronic devices when they’re not in use. 

Click here to open a  great article about different TV usage and vampire energy.

4. Switch to LED lighting

The next one is an easy one that you’re probably already familiar with - it’s also one that everyone can do (whether you’re on or off the grid)! Switching from incandescent bulbs (and even compact fluorescents) to LED lighting! 

LED bulbs are extremely efficient and long-lasting - using just a few watts each! They are also safer (they aren’t going to burn your lampshade or start a fire, and they don’t contain mercury). You will be saving 4% of your energy consumption by making this small change. 

5. Refrigeration

Refrigeration is, yet again, an energy efficient change we can all make regardless of living on or off the grid.

New refrigerators are much more efficient than they used to be, but switching to an energy star rate appliance will save you that last little bit to really help lighten your load! 

How easy was that?! 

It’s possible to reduce your overall energy consumption up to 85% by simply having a home that heats and cools itself and takes full advantage of these other energy savings suggestions. We recommend that you calculate your energy use and look for ways to reduce it so that your power system can be smaller, and more affordable, yet able to meet all of your needs! 

Please take a moment to calculate your current household usage, and determine how large a power system you would need to meet your current usage in your standard home. THEN, apply these saving techniques to see what you COULD save and how much smaller your system could be! 

Click here to calculate the energy use of an electric oven.

Click here to calculate your water usage and see how you can lighten the load with water.

Want to learn more about off-grid power? Sign up for our new online course, Off-Grid Jumpstart!

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