Let's lighten the load by reducing WATER Consumption.

The easiest and most affordable way to meet your needs off-the-grid is to reduce your consumption. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to go “without” this simply means taking the time to design your home and your systems so that the efficiency is built-in. 

We are going to look at lightening your load for water. Let’s start with the things that are going to make the biggest impact (greatest reduction).

Below is a breakdown of average household water use in a typical on-grid home. There could be regional variations dependent on landscaping/lawn&garden (or lack thereof), and water-use habits of the residents, but for the most part, it’s a good starting point for our discussion. 

1. Leaks

First things first, let's find and fix all leaks. 

10% of water is lost through leaking plumbing! So let’s start by making a pledge to fix leaks as quickly as possible! Stopping leakage will save your precious water (whether you’re on or off the grid).

2. Efficient Fixtures & Appliances

Water savings anyone can and should take advantage of - switching to water-efficient fixtures, appliances, and toilets. 

Making this change can save you a ginormous amount of water = 40.9%! Wowza. 

3. Greywater

Choosing a greywater reuse system and flushing your toilet with greywater will give you some amazing savings.

You can also opt to eliminate flushing with water altogether by installing a composting toilet (or a dry toilet of any kind). Just this change alone, not flushing your toilet with fresh, clean, drinking water, will save you 19%! Or if you were smart and opted to install the low-flush toilet, 4%! Not too shabby…

While the first two solutions can be achieved no matter what kind of home you’re in, greywater systems will need to be designed into your home BEFORE you start building (or as an extensive retrofit). They will take full advantage of the greywater and/or blackwater systems (below) that we’ve been discussing and will go further than simply saving you water, they will REUSE it! 

4. Landscaping with grey/black water

Ok, this is the BIG one: landscaping and watering of plants.

If you opt for the greywater flush with an interior planter cell, you will be using all of your greywater to water food and plants inside your home even before you flush! And if you opt for a black water botanical cell for your exterior landscaping, you will be finishing strong with the rest of your wastewater going to all of your exterior vegetation. Couple this with xeriscaping for the rest of your yard (rather than water-hungry grass) you will have a beautiful, very LOW-MAINTENANCE, yard with HUGE water savings of 14.5%! 

How easy was that?! 

It’s possible to reduce your overall water consumption up to 70% by simply having a home that utilizes water saving fixtures, and takes full advantage of grey and black water systems. We recommend that you calculate your water use and look for ways to reduce it so that the amount of roof space and cistern capacity you will need to live off water harvesting can be smaller, AND meet all of your water needs!

Please take note of your current household water usage and your current roof size. 

Then use the below water catchment calculation:

0.66 Gallons of water x Square feet of roof surface area x 1 inch of rain = Number of gallons of water collected per inch of precipitation.

THEN take this number and multiply it by how many inches of rain you receive per year. 

It is helpful to break this down by the month so you can see if you will have enough precipitation in the wetter months to get you through the drier months. 

Determine how large a roof you will need to meet your current usage in your standard home. THEN, apply the savings techniques listed above to see what you COULD save and how much smaller your system could be! 

Click here to calculate your power usage and see how you can lighten the load with power.

Want to learn more about off-grid water? Sign up for our new online course, Off-Grid Jumpstart!

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